Charity Live Production

Over the years, we have presented a variety of charity live performance events. We have held shows in amazing theaters across North America, attracting audiences of our clients’ supporters and the public. These performances generate exposure and fundraising for our clients.

We also use traditional venues like convention centers and hotel ballrooms to host keynote speaker events and headline performers, which are sold through a robust sponsorship program. These events help increase awareness, build brand recognition, and secure much-needed financial support for our clients.

Additionally, we have organized intimate storytelling concerts featuring legendary performers for select groups of guests. These once-in-a-lifetime events leave a lasting impact that cannot be duplicated.

Our charity clients have been utilizing our live production services since 1997 to raise their profile, gain marketing exposure, secure new supporters, and align their organization with well-recognized celebrities, all while generating significant funds.

Raise Community Profile


Increase Market Exposure

Raise Significant Funds

Secure New Supporters

Align With Recognized Celebrities

Let Us Plan Your Next Event! Call Us at+1(403)543-1509